Friday, March 28, 2014

Be healthy, be fit, be happy.♡

   Welcome to my 20 time project! I've chosen to make my blog about trying to live a better, healthier lifestyle. Throughout my life I have always been active with sports including:cross country, soccer, basketball and now boxing. To me staying active is a very important aspect in my life; even when I am not participating in a sport I always dedicate a portion of my time to running and working out. Sometimes this is a hard thing to keep up with, when I'm tired or short on time its often the first thing I end up cutting from my day.
   Not only is staying active important to me, but also eating healthy. By eating healthy our bodies are able to get stronger and receive the carbs, proteins, and sugars we need to keep them running properly.  I try to stick with healthy eating, but often find myself eating fast foods or junk food because of lack of time and keeping the necessary amount of healthy food at my house. With this project there are some goals I hope to work towards.

what are my goals?
Through this project I hope to become healthier and more active person. My first goal is to start a workout program that provides a schedule of what workouts to do and when to do them. Rather than loosing weight I hope to become stronger and gain more muscle by doing workouts that won't stress out my body. By adding healthy eating to my project I will achieve this goal not only faster, but in the best way for my body possible.  I plan on cutting out junk food and replacing it with a healthier eating plan, drinking lots of water and getting as much sleep required to keep my body going.One thing I have always wanted to do is to run a marathon, with the help of my 20 time project I hope to be able to participate in a marathon during the  summer. I look forward to starting my project and working toward a end result of being a healthier, happier, and stronger person.

Hope you guys enjoy my blog!


  1. Great plan! I need to do this, too. Share with us what you've decided to do daily (i.e. specific workouts, times, research on healthy eating). There are so many diets out there, which one are you going to try? Have you ever heard of the Paleo diet? Sounds kinda cool. Check it out.

    1. Kayla Itsines, (An Australian personal trainer) provides e-books on exercise and nutrition. I plan on purchasing the healthy eating guide "Food Junkies" (rather than doing a diet) and following that for instruction along with her exercise e-book. I have heard of the Paleo diet as well as tried it, however I've found that I don't enjoy the diet.

  2. I think this is an awesome thing to do! Is that why you were running the other day on the rail trail, as part of your 20 time?? A place I really like to run when I have time is the city forest, the shade makes the running bearable haha. I'm excited for your progress, making eating healthy and working out a priority is admirable and I hope keeping up with your blog will help me stay healthy as well (:

    1. Yup I was running for 20 time! I also like going to City Forest for runs, it's super relaxing and keeps me from having to run on the road. Your project with trying yoga is pretty cool too, I've done a few yoga workouts before and they weren't easy! I look forward to following your progress as well, Good luck!

  3. I think this is a great project and I too should be running more...Especially now that its warmer out. My family and i walk our dogs at the City forrest during the summer and i find it to be very enjoyable. Good luck with you project!
